Humorists in Marostica celebrate Bread

In 2016 we celebrate the forty-seventh edition of the famous international humorous graphics competition. Works from all over the world are expected. Registrations by April 2, 2016.
47th International Exhibition of Humorous Graphics

Theme: Bread

Deadline for participation and submission of works:
April 2, 2016
Inauguration and awards ceremony:
May 21, 2016
From 21 May to 12 June 2016

Sito web:


Umoristi's press office in Marostica: 

Mara Bisinella
T. 339.6783954 

Marostica, 25 November 2015

The announcement of the International Competition "Humorists in Marostica 2016", a Humorous Graphics Competition which has reached its 47th edition this year, has started in recent days.

The theme is Bread, with all the spiritual and social implications. Bread, in addition to representing an essential element for human life, the basis of the need for nourishment and sustenance, contains within itself various connotations both from a spiritual and religious point of view, as a meaning of life and as Eucharistic food.

Humor and reflection

The “Humorists in Marostica” competition is open to cartoonists, illustrators and graphic designers of all nationalities. Registration and submission of works by 2 April 2016. The works, cartoons or strips, must be strictly free of dialogue or jokes. Awards 21 May 2016. Exhibition of the works at the Lower Castle of Marostica from21 May to 12 June 2016.

Prizes awarded:
International Chessboard Grand Prix
Special prize "Sandro Carlesso"
Special prize "Marco Sartore"
Ten "Humorists in Marostica" awards

Humorists in Marostica” is organized by the Gruppo Grafico Marostica in collaboration with the Municipality of Marostica.